Issued: 4/8/09
Revised: 9/01/09; 10/20/10, 8/18/11, 02/20/2014, 5/2/2018, 12/6/2018, 4/15/2020
Established January 1, 2010, and beginning with the Spring 2010 semester.
The Lamar University Tuition Assistance Program is a benefit available to regular, full-time LU employees. It provides tuition assistance for the spouse and dependent child of eligible employees enrolled in classes at Lamar University.
LUTAP covers 100% of the undergraduate or graduate resident tuition cost for the spouse and/or eligible dependent child, as defined per IRS regulations, of the eligible employee. Tuition assistance is based on resident tuition rates regardless of residency status. Contact the Office of Admission for questions regarding residency qualifications and waivers.
LUTAP does not cover University fees, non-resident tuition or other non-tuition charges. A complete description of tuition, fees, and charges can be found on Lamar University’s website at
If a student receives a grade below a “C” in a class, the student may only take the course one additional time and still receive LUTAP funds towards that course.
Schedule changes prior to the census date may change the tuition amount assessed, causing a reduction or cancellation of LUTAP benefits.
The dollar amount of LUTAP provided is dependent upon other forms of financial assistance and resources the student is receiving for the academic semester/term, such as institutional grants and scholarships. The combination of LUTAP and scholarships cannot exceed tuition and fee charges. If it exceeds, LUTAP will be reduced.
Students are not eligible to receive a refund of the LUTAP benefit or institutional funds.
Institutional aid awarded after the LUTAP benefit has been applied may result in the reduction or cancellation of the benefit.
Students who have applied for Federal Financial Assistance through the FAFSA are subject to federal regulations. The LUTAP benefit may limit the amount of federal and/or state financial aid awarded. For more information, please contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid at or by calling (409) 880-8450.
Federal law allows certain employer-provided education assistance benefits to be tax-free to LUTAP participants. Included in this allowance are undergraduate courses for the employee’s spouse and eligible dependent children.
Tuition assistance for graduate-level courses taken by an employee’s dependents or spouse is taxable. This amount will be included and reported as taxable income for the year.
Employee Eligibility Requirements
The employee applying for the benefit must meet all of the following requirements:
For questions regarding employee eligibility requirements, contact Human Resources at (409) 880-8375.
Dependent Child/Spouse Eligibility Requirements
The dependent of the full-time employee must meet the following requirements:
1. Admitted to Lamar University under the University’s published admission requirementsi. The student may be enrolled in dual credit courses
ii. Transient students must be enrolled in courses that will transfer back to the program of study at the home school
2. Enroll in a specified degree or certificate program at Lamar University
3. Enroll in course(s) for which academic credit is awarded toward the student’s program of study upon successful completion of the course(s)
i. If the program of study requires a minor, LUTAP will apply towards these courses as well
4. Maintain good academic and disciplinary standing as defined by LU;
5. Meet institutional Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards as defined by the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid each term. Failure to meet SAP requirements will result in loss of LUTAP benefits; however, students may be eligible to appeal this decision under certain situations. View the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy at for more information.
6. Dependent children must be under 24 years of age on the first class day of the term for which the benefit is requested.
How to Apply:
Deadlines to Apply:
All documents must be received in the Office of Human Resources by 5 p.m. on the 12th class day of the semester or part of term for which the benefits are to be applied. Applications received after that date will not be processed, but returned to the employee. The student will need to make other arrangements for the payment of tuition for that semester/term.
The student is responsible for checking his/her individual student account online to ensure the tuition assistance has been applied by the payment due date. To avoid processing delays, it is important that all documents are completed and received by HR at least three weeks before the payment due date.
SAP Appeal Deadline:
Students not maintaining SAP must submit their letter of appeal to the Office of Student Financial Aid within five (5) business days of being notified that a letter of appeal is required. Please note, this deadline is not the same as listed in the SAP policy. LUTAP recipients must have an approved appeal to be eligible, prior to census day. Students not maintaining SAP must submit their letter of appeal to the Office of Student Financial Aid by the census date or no later than five (5) business days of being notified that a letter of appeal is required, whichever is later. Please note, this deadline is not the same as listed in the SAP policy. LUTAP recipients must have an approved appeal to be eligible by this deadline.
A: The spouse and all dependent children of benefits-eligible, full-time employees who have an appointment of at least four and a half months are eligible.
A: Tuition assistance may be used during any semester, mini-session, or summer term.
A: A spouse or dependent child must apply and be admitted to Lamar University under the University’s published admission requirements. The spouse or dependent child must be meeting the required financial aid Standard Academic Progress (See # under Dependent Child/Spouse Eligibility Requirements). SAP is checked each semester. If a student receiving LUTAP funds is not meeting the required SAP, then he or she must complete the financial aid appeal process. The financial aid appeal process is outlined at the Lamar University Financial Aid Office website.
A: All Lamar University faculty and staff who have an appointment of 4 ½ months or longer, who are appointed full-time, and are not in a position requiring student status as a condition of employment as of the published first day of classes for the semester/term for which assistance is requested are eligible. (For classes which do not have a published start day, the published start date will be used).
A: The tuition assistance benefit is 100% of the Lamar University Texas resident tuition. A complete description of tuition, fees, and charges can be found on Lamar’s website
A: Tuition assistance does not apply to any fees, library fines, student insurance, room and board charges, textbooks and supplies, courses not required for the student’s specified degree or certificate program, non-credit courses, audited classes, summer camps or other fee-based programs offered by Lamar University, or classes taken at any other college or university including Lamar State College Port Arthur, Lamar State College Orange or Lamar Institute of Technology.
A: Yes, Lamar University’s maximum course load policy does set limits on the number of credit hours taken in a semester or term (see the General or Graduate Catalog) in addition Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards must be followed. SAP standards are listed on the Financial Aid website.
A: Yes. Students are required to meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards must be followed. A student must earn their degree within 150% of the number of hours that are required. SAP standards are listed on the Financial Aid website.
A. No, a new LUTAP application is not required. The Financial Aid office will review the student’s account after the census date to ensure the student is enrolled in courses required for their degree plan. If the student is enrolled in courses not required by the degree plan, adjustments to the student’s aid may occur.
A: For this program, the employee must be able to provide a copy of their most recent U.S. Individual Income Tax Return listing the dependent, a copy of the marriage license listing both the employee and the dependent student, a birth certificate listing the employee as a parent or court documents indicating the employees has been granted legal guardianship.
A: There is no limit to the number of eligible dependent children who may participate.
A: Yes, online courses taken for credit are eligible for LUTAP.
A: No
A: No
A: No, reimbursements are not issued for previous terms.
A: No, participants in LUTAP are limited to a maximum of 100% of Texas resident tuition for the total number of approved courses in which they are enrolled.
A: LUTAP is intended to comply with the tax provisions of IRS Sections 127, 117(d) and 132 (h). Please direct personal income tax questions to your tax preparer or advisor.
A: Yes, you are eligible for LUTAP as long as your spouse meets all the requirements in the LUTAP Policy.
A: Yes, but restrictions and limitations may apply. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for answers.
A: Yes, as long as all other requirements of the LUTAP program are met.
A: Yes, but tuition assistance will be limited to the “Texas resident” amount. Please contact the Office of Admission to determine residency qualifications and waivers.
A: Lamar University’s Office of Human Resources, ext. 8375 or Lamar University’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, ext. 8450.